What's it like being famous and from a small village?
Sheridan: It's one of those villages where everyone knows everyone. They're really supportive. Mum puts a piece in the local paper when I'm on telly, saying, 'Everyone watch Sheridan,' and I'm like, 'Mum, shuddup!' She brings coach trips down, too.
Marilyn: We're called the SAS - the Sheridan Appreciation Society.
Sheridan: [Laughing] Oh, stop it, Mum!
It must have been hard to see Sheridan move down to London.
Marilyn: We're a really close family so, thankfully, she comes home all the time.
Sheridan: When I have time off, I'm straight up on the M1 with my three dogs. Mum said I'm not allowed any more livestock!
You were only 16 when you left home to attend the National Youth Music Theatre. Was that a daunting prospect?
Sheridan: I did get really homesick, but it was exciting. I was this little naive 16-year-old living in a flat with five other teenages, and we used to live off jam sandwiches. It was amazing.
Marilyn: She lived with Hannah [Spearitt] from S Club 7. I came down to check it out, because it was those two and four boys squeezed into the other bedroom.
Did you give her any advice?
Marilyn: Just to be careful, and don't go wandering off on your own.
Sheridan: You used to tell me to march out like I knew where I was going and, if I had to take an A to Z with me, to hid it in my coat, so I could have a sneaky look.
Marilyn: If you're walking along the street hesitantly, you never know who might follow you or pounce on you.
Sheridan: Oh, you're so dramatic!
Marilyn: As a mother, you worry, especially with you being so far away.
Sheridan: A lot of parents wouldn't have allowed their baby to leave home so young, but mine were really supportive, because they knew how much I wanted to follow my dreams.
Marilyn: We're all very proud of her including her brother, Damian. She lost her first brother, lovely Julian. He died when he was 18.
Sheridan: I was only eight.
Marilyn: His cancer came from nowhere and he did all the treatment, but it just kept coming back. Both the children were very resilient to be able to get over that and get on with their lives and make a success of them. It shows strength of character. He would have been delighted wouldn't he, old Julian? Sorry, love.
Sheridan: I've never spoken about it before. It's nice to hear Mum talk about it, because we don't really discuss things like that. We haven't really spoken about Julian properly in years.
You've obviously got a strong relationship. Is there anything that's out of bounds?
Marilyn: Not really. Maybe, over the years, there have been different opinions - on boyfriends, for example.
Sheridan: I'm a fiesty one sometimes, but Mum rarely gets angry. You got on with all of my boyfriends, didn't you? But no one is going to be good enough for your little girl.
Is that true?
Marilyn: When she was with her ex-boyfriend [Tv funnyman James Corden], I read in the papers they'd bought two shih-tzu puppies, 'to celebrate their love'.
Sheridan: To celebrate our 'engagement' wasn't it?!
Marilyn: Oh yeah, he was gonna marry you. [Laughs.] So I'm hearing this for the first time and...
Sheridan: She went mad on the phone, and I'm like - it's not true! But you realise that now, don't you, Mum?
Marilyn: Yes. I did wonder about the dogs.