Thursday 1 October 2009

Company Magazine (October 2009)

Sheridan Smith, 28
As the Dormouse

"I love my garden flat in north London, but I miss home terribly. I'll always be a northern lass at heart. Whenever I'm not working, I jump in the car with my three dogs - Enid, Trish and Barry Manilow - and head up the M1 to see my family in Epworth, outside Doncaster. There's something comforting about my mum's Sunday roasts and sleeping in my childhood bed, minus the My Little Pony wallpaper nowadays.

I like the acceptance of big cities though. In my hometown, if you walked around in a silly hat everyone would stare. But in Camden, north London, nobody bats and eyelid. I also love the nightlife of Manchester's Canal Street and shopping in London's Selfridges. The British high street is second to none. You can't get much better than Topshop and Primark, can you?

I spent time in LA recently and thought I'd hate all the fakery, but I loved it, and everyone was genuinely friendly. Still, I'm not sure I have the right look to fit in with the beautiful people of Hollywood with their big, white smiles. I'd rather sit in my garden and get all the girls round for a barbecue - usually in the rain!"

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