Thursday 1 April 2010

Ok Magazine (April 2010)

Something strange and rather wonderful has happened to Sheridan Smith - she's suddenly found her inner girlieness, and it's all down to her starring role in London's biggest new smash-hit show Legally Blonde: The Musical. Time was when the popular British actress only played 'chavs and slappers' - and no, we're not being rude, those are her own words! - but now Sheridan's surprised herself by just how much her portrayal of high-maintenance American socialite Elle Woods is rubbing off on her.

'Everyone knows me as that chavvy, tracksuit-bottomed bird off Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps and I've always reckoned I was a bit of a tomboy myself,' says 28-year-old Sheridan. 'But now I'm in this show, I'm definitely finding my inner femininity. I've never worn pink before but pink is suddenly creeping into my off-stage wardrobe!'

In the show, which sees Sheridan perform a staggering 18 songs and 16 costume changes, Elle is abruptly dumped by the love of her life, snooty Warner Huntington (played by Blue's Duncan James) when he wins a place at Harvard Law School, citing a need for a more 'serious girlfriend'. She resolves to follow him but waiting cutely in the wings is another guy who slowly but surely proves to be Elle's true Mr Right - goofy fellow law student Emmett Forrest, played by the very presentable Alex Gaumond. 'It's a slow-burn romance, that kind of takes the audience by surprise', says 31-year-old Canadian Alex, 'and by the end of the show everyone's rooting for me!'

As ever with a hot-ticket West End show it's a relentlessly busy schedule for out on-stage sweethearts so Sheridan and Alex were very swiftly tempted with the promise of a fabulous lunch at Brasserie St Jacques in London's Mayfair just a few hours before curtain-up at the Savoy Theatre. Joining the pair was an extra guest in the form of Bruister, one of five adorable Chihuahuas who take turns to play Elle's ultimate handbag accessory, all of whom Sheridan is compelled to take home and sleep in bed with to achieve that special girl dog bond'.

Sheridan, congratulations on the runaway success of Legally Blonde: The Musical. Were you always confident it would be such a hit with the public?
Absolutely not, I thought we'd get slated! When you first hear the idea of Legally Blonde: The Musical, it does sound a bit ridiculous, and a bit of pink fluff, but when I saw the Broadway version I just fell in love with it. I thought it was so clever and witty - and when I heard it was coming to London, I phoned my agent and said: 'You've got to get me seen!"

One review said you were 'infintely more likeable than Reese Witherspoon in the film'. How does that feel?
That's amazing - and I love Reese, I adore her in the film, she's amazing. I also loved the Broadway version. But I think with British audiences, it's got to be a bit more tongue-in-cheek. I like to give a little wink to the audience and send up that LA lifestyle a bit and show that we're not taking ourselves too seriously.

Are you a girlie girl like Elle?
I didn't think I was, but my boyfriend disagrees - he says I am very girlie and that I fight it and pretend to be a tomboy because I've played those parts in TV shows like Two Pints and Benidorm. I usually play chavs, slags and slappers - working-class tarts with hearts. I like to call them - whereas this part is such a rich, homely LA girl, and so far removed from my image that I'm finding my inner femininity. I have to get my nails done for the show and I'm kind of enjoying it. Elle's dinfinitely rubbing off on me - but I'm 28, so I suppose I am becoming more womanly.

How are you coping with all the singing, dancing and mad costume changes?
I used to dance between the ages of four and 16 when I was in Scunthorpe at the Joyce Mason School of Dance! Then I stopped when I moved to London and I didn't exactly need dancing for telly work, so it's kind of been fun to return to my roots. The only thing I found difficult at first was singing and dancing at the same time, because I get a stitch walking to the car - I'm the laziest person ever!

What's it like working with Duncan James?
Duncan is lovely, but I do tease him. During a performance the other day he walked into the set by accident and I just went: 'Ooh, mind that!' completely in character, LA accent and all. The audience were in stiches. About five minutes later I had to leave the stage the other way and I made a point of stopping and walking around the set and got a round of applause. Later Duncan said: 'I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe you brought so much attention to it!'

But never mind Duncan, he's the baddie - your proper love interest is the very sexy Alex Gaumond as Emmett!
Alex is adorable and it's very easy to fall in love with him every night. Emmett sees through Elle's ditzy exterior to her true self and they end up together. Their most romantic moment is the song Take It Like A Man, in the second half - it's the first time she sees him properly and stops thinking about Warner, who she's been obsessed with through the first half.

Alex, many people coming along to the show might assume Duncan James is the leading man, but really it's you, isn't it?
I totally agree with what the producers have done - Duncan is a household name and he sells tickets. But it's nice because I really come from nowhere - I show up half an hour into the story and then it's a real build-up to when suddenly the audience is on my side, fighting my corner.

Sheridan, you mentioned your boyfriend before we asked - who's the lucky fella?
He's Ross McCall, a British actor who's living in LA. We were friends ten years ago and he moved to America five years ago and we lost touch. He came back at Christmas and said he was coming to watch the show and we got together and it's been great ever since. It's a long-distance relationship. We Skype every night - I can even Skype him in my dressing-room on my laptop.

Would you like to get married?
I'd like to hope so, but I feel like I've got plenty of time. I'm only 28. But of course I'd love that. I can picture living in a nice stone cottage in the South of France with lots of doggies, but there's a bit more grafting to do yet!

You were going out with James Corden - are you still friends?
Yes, we're really good mates. He hasn't come to see the show yet but he's promised he will. He's said he'll leave me to settle in and then he'll sneak in but James can't sneak in - you can always hear his booming laugh, so as soon as he's in I'll know. He'll probably come in wearing dark glasses and a cap!

What's it like going to the stage door and meeting fans after the show each night?
Sheridan: That's my favourite bit of the night! London theatre isn't a cheap night out so it's quite something for people to come and choose your show and then wait in the freezing rain just to say hello afterwards. The least we can do is stand out there for a good hour. They bring me gifts - Elle things, teddies with blonde wigs on, chocolate. I make sure I meet everyone there waiting.
Alex: We've been overwhelmed by the audience response, which has meant they've had to move people from the stage door to the front of the theatre so at the end of each performance there's a bit of a crowd that gathers. There are some very enthusiatic fans. Playing the nice guy, I tend to do well with teenage girls and their mothers! I'm fully aware that they're mainly here to see people like Duncan and Sheridan - their signature is probably quite a coveted thing. But it's nice to show up and they cheer foryou; they go 'Oh, there's Emmett!'

Sheridan, who's the best kisser - Alex or Duncan?
If I say Alex, Duncan will get jealous and vice versa. They're both brilliant kissers - but not as good as Ross!

Sheridan, it's such and energetic part, do you have to keep a check on your diet?
That's the best thing. I can eat what I like because I burn it all off, sometimes two shows a day, which means I'm running around with 36 songs in one day. So I eat burgers and all the usual rubbish. Sorry, Mum, if you're reading! I have stopped smoking though!

Have there been any unpredictable on-stage moments with the dogs?
There've been a few. I actually turned to the audience the other night and went: 'Never work with what?' He usually runs and jumps onto the bed - and on that occasion he wouldn't move!

Has your family come to see the show?
My mum's seen it so many times. She brought bus-load of 50 people from our village, Epworth. She calls them the SAS - the Sheridan Appreciation Society! And my dad and my brother came for opening night. They had a pink carpet and my dad walked in front of the paps wearing a T-shirt with my picture on and it said 'I'm the Daddy'!

Is your dressing room pink?
Because I've got so many pink cards and flowers it is kind of. And there are pictures of Marily Manroe and Dolly Parton, my idols! Not camp at all!

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